Monday, 14 March 2011

Crash, bang, Wallop!! 14/3/11

What a month I have had! From not falling off in two years. I have fallen off 3 times in 3 weeks. My first fall was out hunting, Pearl and I had a "slight" misunderstanding, I was bending down to open the five bar metal gate and she thought I wanted her to jump it, this resulted in a "Thellwell moment" and me landing on the floor in my riding position! If only my horse had been underneath me, I had perfect lower leg position. My friend Chloe just stood there open eyed and open mouthed at this spectacle! I dusted myself off and went and found my horse who was stood quite still in the middle of the field waiting for me with a large smile on her face. None of us were hurt and we all laughed a lot.
The second fall not as interesting, I was at a BE under 18 training and I over rode a combination, which ended up with Stella chipping in a short one, normally I would have been able to sit this kind of thing but I had hurt my back the day before, my core stability was off, it resulted in me round her neck, Stella bronking round the school and then me face down with a mouth full of sand! I was very annoyed about this as I had my new Musto jean jodphurs on!
The third fall was at Tweseldown in the warm up for the cross country, smallest log there, with every famous rider you care to think of warming up at the same time, Stella forgot she had two front legs, took off with one, tripped over the log, it was deep the other side and I came off, air bag went off, everyone shouting loose horse, it was cringing!
On a more serious note my mum and I had a head on crash in our lovely lorry, with the lovely Stella in the back. My poor mum severed a tendon in her leg, had to have knee cap reconstructed with wire mesh and clips and broke her ribs, which resulted in a four day stay in hospital and now she will be out of action for 12 weeks. Stella was unscathed, thankfully. It was very scary as I had to take control of the situation and was the only one who could get out of the lorry, I had to climb through a window and then I had to rescue Stella whilst I could see diesel and oil leaking from the lorry but could not get my mum out. I got Stella home and had to leave my mum to the police, the paramedics and the doctors and they would not let me back to see her. But I can report that Mum is home from hospital and in good spirits. But we have a very broken lorry and we are now relying on Jill Chator, Stella's owner and Tony Robinson our neighbour, for lifts to shows and training.

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