Tuesday, 22 March 2011

My new project - Supreme Glimpse

Not looking that supreme at the moment but we can see a glimpse!!!! Ha ha.
I bet you are wondering why I have a project, with Mum out of action and only a few weeks after our accident, however she came a week before the accident just at the wrong time but then these things always do.
Glimpse, 4 years old, just 15 hands, ex race horse and the sweetest thing, she just loves a cuddle.
She was bred to be raced, she was fast but never like to leave the pack. My Uncle Grant and Auntie Tracey brought her as a 3 year old and bred a gorgeous foal by the Showjumper Warrior, her foal will hopefully be my future badminton winner "Warriors Supreme Coalition" anyway back to Glimpse.
Having only been raced and hacked a couple of times and then not ridden for a year, I thought it would be best to start off with some lunging, this went very well, she grasped the concept of lunging quickly and then after a week of this I gave her a break so she had time to think about what she had achieved! I moved on to long reining and then I thought it was time as she was showing such maturity to get on her. She was very chilled about this, I gave her a walk and then checked my braking system, all good. So the next day I took her for a walk down the farm drive with Dad walking alongside, ready to catch me (he wasn't needed, thank goodness), where she was introduced to Ted the Bull (now best of friends). Today I took her on my own through the farm, introducing her to scary tractors and some more farm animals, she has taken it all in her stride and is so chilled. Having never been ridden in a contact before when I asked for trot, she naturally took up the contact and made a shape for a few brief strides. My main aim is to get her moving forward and off my leg. We will see how it goes and I will keep you posted.

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