Monday, 28 March 2011

Close Call (but do not panic)!

I decided to pull out of Munstead because Jake had gone so well at Tweseldown and I didn't want it all to go wrong, my thought was to spend our time training until Badminton. So off I went to Tweseldown so do a xc schooling session and would you credit it, disaster struck again. Jake was hopping lame! DON'T PANIC! Well we spent a day of slight apprehension and then Ed Lisle, Vet Extraordinaire came up the driveway at 8pm tonight to the rescue to tell us exactly that - DON'T PANIC, its a slightly bruised sole, PHEW! Day off again tomorrow but in the sand school on Wednesday. He also said what we already knew Jake is incredible for his age, his tendons, his muscles and overall health, when he had him on a circle on the concrete, he said he did not know of a horse of his age that could do a circle that small on a hard ground, good old Jake, well we will keep feeding him the vitamins, does anybody have any cotton wool to wrap him in?!

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