Friday, 11 February 2011

Gill Watson 11/02/11

I had my February lesson with Gill today. Stella was feeling a little stiff after her jumping session yesterday. (By the way that went really well, I hope I have cracked this showjumping lark)! Back to Gill's lesson - even though she was little bit stiff I got her going. We worked a lot on suppleing exercises, one of the exercises in Canter on the inner track, bending her left and right but keeping quarters straight. This is making me keep control and making me feel everything she does underneath me.We also worked on long and low and making the contact even on both sides as she has a tendency to lean on the left rein. Ro Jennings popped over to see Gill and it was nice for her to see me one year on from when I first got Stella. I feel if it had not have been for Ro, all of this would never have happened, her initial introduction has led to me having so many other opportunities.

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