Tuesday, 29 March 2011

Slightly less awestruck!

A couple of months ago I told you about an awstruck moment when I was lucky enough to be put forward for a lesson with my idol. It now looks like this will now be a semi regular thing in between competitions as she has said that she is happy to continue to teach me and help me. I know I am extremely lucky as she doesn't a lot of time. I have not had a lesson for a while because of the crash, but last night we borrowed our neighbours four wheel drive and took the trailer for a lesson before she dashes off to Somerley and Compeigne.
The lesson.......
We worked a lot on the canter work and developing the security in the contact. Because she is quite lazy off my leg, I am having to nag her to go forwards, so my hands have got busier, so I had to be reminded more than she has had to in the past to keep my hands still. My naughty habit is to pull round with the inside hand and give with the outside, but what i really need to do is open the inside rein and hold the outside rein, which I really felt. I was cantering on a 10 metre circle, making sure I had the outside rein so it made the circle more balanced and easier for Stella. Then coming out of the circle and going into shoulder in. I really had this by the end of the lesson. I also worked on the straightness and using my corners, I feel like I have a lot to work on and when I go back to in a few weeks she will hopefully see an improvement.

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