Thursday, 31 March 2011

Dressage Lesson with Mel Breen

This was supposed to be a lesson for Jake to learn our dressage test for Badminton, still out of action but nearly there we decided to substitute Pearl. Phenomenal lesson, I really felt Pearl's power, all the muscle that I worked on building up over the winter has really paid off. She finds the work a lot easier and she is moving on one step every day. Today we worked on consistency in the contact and riding Pearl into the bridle, it feels like it is too fast but then you create the inside bend so it feels like she is pivoting round your leg and then you create the neck bend by bending your elbows and not from your shoulder and then it all falls in to place and creates a really good trot, a nice bend and a consistent contact with the hind leg underneath. Yay!

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