Monday, 14 March 2011

I've always loved Tweseldown!!!

This was the first event of the season and I was not aiming particularly for any results, just a nice dressage and solid jumping.
I was entered in the Novice on Friday with Stella. I had been trying to improve my dressage to make it more uphill. Dressage score was 37, could have been better but in the halt and rein back we lost a lot of marks and she was very tense in her walk, but overall the rest of the test was good and an improvement and I feel I can quickly improve on the other things.  In show jumping we had two rails but again the rails were falling like skittles for everyone, she was a little over eager on the grass but nothing that we can't correct, finally in the cross country after our little whoopsie in the warm up she then went and did a beautiful clear. No placings but everything I needed to do for the first one and only my third ever Novice.
On the Sunday I was entered into the 90. I was the last competitor of the day, Jake did a really sweet and focussed dressage test, I really wasn't sure how they were going to mark it. After a long wait for my show jumping I entered the ring, I was listening out for my dressage score and then about four strides from the first fence I hear "The best dressage score of the day, a 22!" well I lost concentration and for a split second I forgot about the fence two strides in front of me! I quickly regained my focus tried not to get jumped out of the saddle and then jumped a beautiful clear round. Now the pressure was on for the cross country, all I had been hearing over the tanoy was that the course had been held up several times and Jake is not the most reliable cross country, but blow me down he jumped a beautiful clear round with only 3.2 time penalties which resulted in A Win! Start of the season is unheard of for Jake. What a wonderful end to a rubbish month.

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