Monday 3 December 2012

Jon Pitt's= The best!!!

I had another absolutely cracking session with Jon Pitt on Hector boy.

We went right back to basics on flatwork which was exactly what I needed, riding different horses, my riding has to change and adapt to each horse. Jon helped me to sit and really feel what was happening underneath me. This has helped me recently when riding new horses, I start by riding them in a good walk rhythm and just feeling how they move underneath me.

I have always gone by natural feel but now Jon has explained it to me as a pattern, you have to think about the pattern your pelvis goes through when riding a horse and the shape it makes or a letter in this is case and if you think about it, your pelvis rocks and goes forward and backward making a V shape.

In this session we also did some jumping, we talked about when my position was at its strongest point, the position of my shoulders the way I can get maximum leverage on my elbows to be able to control the horse and controlling with my seat.

This session with Jon, has given me a lot to think about when riding my other ponies at home!!

The following week I was lucky enough to see Jon again (not being sarcastic, honest!) but this time it was filming for Jon's brand spanking new website. We were doing bite sized segments trying to show how not to do something and then how to ride it perfectly. I was able to demonstrate how not to do something perfectly! It was one cold cold cold day but it a very funny one at that, after having to do lots of retakes because  we were laughing soo much , I honestly think it was because we were so cold we were going a little insane.

Anyway it was great fun and Hector was an awesome natural born filmstar!!!!

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