Wednesday, 24 August 2011

Show Jumping and Cross Country at Haras Du Pin

Friday morning came and I was on early again for the showjumping.

The amount of times I walked the showjumping was absurd especially one particular line where I just could not get the right striding between the fences, it was there,  I got it once but I couldn't find the stride again. So I walked it over and over and over and over.... until I remembered where it was exactly or until I made a track in the grass from walking it over and over again!!!

Anyway the preparation seem to really pay off as we did an awesome clear round and inside the time, when everyone that morning seem to be struggling to get a clear inside the time!!! Grant clocked something that I hadn't thought of  and said that when I was going over fence 5, I should have a cheeky look at the clock ringside and if it said 32-33 or less then I was on the right time but if it said anything over I needed to kick on so I had a look and I was at 28-29 so it was perfect!!! Best showjumping round I think we have done together!!

Then came the long wait for Cross Country, I wasn't on until 3.35pm, so I had time to have a cooked breakfast and go support the rest of the Brits for the showjumping and watch how the xc was riding.
Again I walked my lines over and over and I think I must have walked my course 5 times!!! For the first time I did minute markers so I knew where I was timing wise throughout the course and they worked a treat! It was the first time that I have come inside the time, I have never ridden so fast and so technically. I thought about it so much where I could take things on a open stride, which ones I could take on a sharp angle to cut out some of the ground and then when we were at the combinations I had some time to ask her to come back to me. For the first time we where inside the time!

Estella was amazing that week she tried her heart out for me and really gave me everything she had! It was amazing to have that feeling!!!

What a week!! But none of this would have happened if it wasn't for my "support" team they were fab. Some people are lucky enough to have grooms but even though my "support team" is just family I wouldn't have it any other way they are   F A B U L O U S!!!!!

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