Sunday, 11 September 2011

Update and Goring Heath

Sorry I have not updated for a while, I'm back at school now grrrr but its my last year whooooo!!! I have decided I am not going to College, I have thought about it over and over. Since I can remember I have always told Mum and Dad that I was not going to College and  that I just wanted to ride and that certainly hasn't changed so I have decided to absolutely commit to my riding.

I was at Goring Heath last week. We got a 33 dressage, it was ok just a little behind the leg but my canter work was GREAT!!!!! In the Show jumping I came round the corner to first fence and it absolutely bucketed it down, to a point I could hardly see! But even with this inconvenience we did a perfect round every jump we hit perfect stride and I think it was because I treated every fence the same, rode away from each fence and kept that rhythm. I think we lacked that in other rounds previously!

My XC round was ok however, when I went to start my watch it would not work and so I had no idea what speed I was going. I thought we were quite quick but I forgot from last year that the time is tight as it is quite hilly and what I think happened was that I took a few to many pulls just before the fence which slowed her down! Oh well I have learnt from this experience!!!!

BUTTT I still came 3rd which I was very pleased with!!!!!

Also not sure you can see the number of hits on my blog but I have over 5,500 hits on my blog. That's amazing, Thank you for reading it. x

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