Sunday, 7 August 2011

Smiths Lawn with Beanie

So back from Area dressage it was time to get ready for Smiths Lawn the next day!

I took Beanie (Tinkers Whiz Kid) into our first BE one day event as a combination - Pre Novice.
Beanie is owned by Gail Stephens. She is a 16.2 chesnut mare 16 yrs old, a sometimes tricky but she is lovely!

In her dressage she got a 34.5 which wasn't terrible, she has to be kept constantly busy so in a simple dressage test she tends to get quite hot and lose concentration, my feeling is that she will be lot better at a  Novice test that has some more complicated movements and she could most definitly do the height!

Show Jumping: It was the best show jumping I think I have ever ridden in my life but unfortunately she had a rail with her hind leg which was a shame. She spooked at the filler under the rail . She will never stop but when she is unsure she puts her head through her front legs looks at the filler and forgets about her hind legs.

XC: She was jumping super - flying everything we were taking out strides and collecting when we needed to, it was just so together but then we came to the first water! It looked like we were going into a massive lake and they had railings to show the direction, it was a small gap to get into the water and the poor mare freaked and completely froze which is unlike her, she has never done that with me before, I even jumped her over the rolltop into the water at Coombelands and she didnt think twice about it and just listened to me! So she froze at the Smiths Lawn lake and she didn't techniquely step back but the fence judge was very quick to give us a stop which was a real shame because she then went and jumped beautifully after that.

If we hadn't had the stop on the XC course we would have come 2nd but even with the stop we came 12th.

There is so much to work with and she is such an enjoyable to ride that  I would love to carry on eventing her and get her up to Novice! So we will see. I am hoping Gail will get a taste for being an owner!

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