Thursday, 4 August 2011

The busiest week I think I have ever had!

The is so much to update on so I am going to do it gradually over a few days. 

So this busy week started with area dressage in Sevenoaks. But the day started with a very broken satnav so we had to go back to old fashioned google maps and me having to read out the instruction to mother who was in the drivers seat, however this was a bad idea because I missed out a key bit of instruction which made us go terribly wrong and putting another 1hr onto our journey 'NIGHTMARE'  this resulted us getting there way later then planned and only having 5 minutes to warm up. The test, it wasn't to terrible I got 69.82% and came 5th it could have gone better had I warmed up for longer and got her in front of my leg more but for a 5 min warm up it wasn't to shabby.

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