Sunday, 24 July 2011

The lead up to CIC 1* Harras Du Pin - FRANCE!!!

For those of you who don't know I will be venturing off to France to compete in a CIC 1* in 3 weeks. Just recently I received a letter inviting me along to France to compete in a squad of Juniors. I couldn't quite believe my eyes when I read the letter but it is actually true, I keep thinking that they are going to ring  and say "sorry that wasn't meant for you" but it has been 3 weeks and everything has been booked and no-one has rung to say otherwise so I guess that means I am off to FRANCE with Estella YAY!!

FEI Passport is done, FEI numbers for Estella and I are done, application form done, acceptance letter received, ferry booked, vaccinations now done and little break for Estella we are ready to step our training.

I will be doing regular updates about Estella and I on our training plan to get us to France.

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