Friday, 11 February 2011

Ken Spencer 6/2/11

Another fantastic lesson with Ken!  I am really getting to grips with Stella. We did a lot of lateral work and he really put me through my paces. We did Travers, shoulder in and leg yielding and I learnt and got the feeling of how to do a walk piroutte. I have not had a flat work lesson with him in a while and I really enjoyed it. The thing is he knows me and Stella so well and I feel confident when I am with Ken and like being pushed out of my comfort zone.

PS: I forgot to say that also that day I qualified Jake for the Open Dengie Regional Dressage Finals, not sure how. Having already committed to a lesson with Ken which I did not want to miss. We turned up 15 minutes before my test was due to start, did not even know the dressage test, I'd not ridden it since last summer so Mum read it for me, then got told off by the judge for talking to loudly!

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