Friday, 4 February 2011

Catch Up

Sorry I have not written recently, so much school work- I will give you an update.
I did the JAS (Jumping with style) two weeks ago at Merrist Wood, it was a successful day, even though I was HC in the Novice.Finally got to grips with my showjumping and would have come 2nd if I had not have been entered as HC.
Following weekend I had a second session with a certain famous eventer, this time I was not so star struck and I actually managed to say a few words and to ride more on form.We concentrated on starightness (Estella likes to swing her bottom in) and my naughty left hand!

This weekend I am hunting Pearl and have entered a dressage competition on Jake.
And as I write this entries have gone in for Tweseldown (our first Event of the season) for Jake (BE90) and Estella (Open Novice) and thats focussed my attention on a fitness plan for both horses in coming weeks.

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