Thursday, 31 May 2012

Borde Hill. busy busy bee!

Sorry its taken so long to do a write up, been very very busy with 5 horses on the yard and exams its been none stop this week, but loving it!

Anyway Borde Hill... brilliant day, as usual most of my absolutely fabulous support team turned up to watch, help and support, this consisted of... (MDR) Michael and Lisa Rogers, (Yara:s owners) David and Will, my legend of a Gandad and of course my cracking parents Justine and Martin!!!!

Yara has recently being a bit challenging but this was very much expected, she has been so easy I have been waiting for it, she is, after all in her teenage years!!. Even though she is challenging she is still very gorgeous.

Dressage: She warmed up beautifully but it was very unfortunate that our arena was on quite a steep slope, she found this quite tricky to deal with because she can still be very unbalanced, I think this is why the mark wasn't her usual standard. but I was pleased with the warming in!
Show Jumping: this has been her most challenging of phases recently but she was actually quite good, we had one pole where we just got a bit onward and another jump where we had a slight miss communication but I was still pleased!
Cross Country: now this was an interesting one! I schooled her round because I felt it was slightly stiff for Yara  and I'm glad I did because it was sticky, I definitely needed super glue for that round, she had a wobble at a little log thing just before the water, she was just a little green with all the shadows on the jump and on the water, so she stopped but then she came round again and we scrambled over it! but hey ho I always knew this was going to happen, they always say you have to go backwards before you can go forwards. Just a waiting game now, Yara just needs to mature a bit but this will come with more outings and time.


Dressage: 25.5 what can I say he is amazing!
Show Jumping: He did fly but again just a bit onward in the last line and he just clipped it with a back leg.
Cross Country: He flew round and I really tested him talking the tightest and the trickiest lines but he was SPOT ON!!!!!
Resulting in a 4th good boy the Mull Man!

You can see all the action of the day on the videos on my website:

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