Wednesday, 6 June 2012

Jon Pitt and his Fit To Ride Jumping clinic

Amazing clinic with Jon Pitt.

Gail Stephens and I both had a clinic with Jon Pitt last Monday morning at LMEQ, we both had very very good sessions.
Gail had a flat session which covered some of the things that I was taught in my first session so this was a great refresher.
I then had my show jumping session and this was amazing, Jon taught me about using my range of gears and what gear I should be using when riding a show jumping round to provide my horse with the right speed to  approach a jump. When I am show jumping I get worried about missing the stride and burying the horse, but one thing that Jon paticulary tried to get across to me is that, its about the canter and all the problems I was having at the jump started way back when I turned the corner to the fence.Jon showed me where I needed to be in order to be in the horse's centre of balance, allowing Yara to lift her front end more and engage her quarters,
I really took this on board because once I started to slow the canter right down to a "gear 2"  and balance her all the way to the fence, the stride was naturally there and the quality of the jump after I had done this was incredible.

Jon then set out a related distance and had me  shortening and adding an extra stride, so I had to use the lower end of "gear 2."

What an amazing session, it gave me a lot of confidence in myself and Yara!

Thank you John for a cracking session!
Thank you LMEQ !

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