Saturday, 12 May 2012

Choosing a Sponsor

Most of you will know by now that I am sponsored by MDR photo. The story of how I came to be supported by MDR photo is not an unusual one. Michael put a notification out on twitter and facebook, I happened to be following MDR and by chance saw the post. Then followed a long deliberation with the parents about whether I was too young etc etc. Quite rightly so they did not want me put under any pressure at my age and the most important thing to them was that I had fun and enjoyed what I did. They decided to let me apply and I got the biggest shock when I was asked to submit some more information and was even more shocked when I got an email to say that Michael had chosen me! It is not for me to say why Michael chose me over the other applicants but I am so glad he did.
After the initial excitement had died down, Mum called Michael to discuss it through , she was still a little bit worried as I was still at school. After she had spoken to Michael she said she felt that he was just right. Then Eventing Radio picked up the story through twitter and Michael and I went on radio. That was nerve racking but I really enjoyed it. Lots of emailing, facebooking and twittering went on and we finally met at Tweseldown. Its hard to imagine just a few months on  Michael and Lisa not being in our lives, they are such lovely people. I do not feel any pressure when they are at competitions and when I am being photographed only really supported. The photographs are fantastic and I am not just saying this, they are the best photographs I have ever had taken. I think it helps that Michael used to event himself.. Whats more I am going to have all those memories of my competitions recorded in photos and video for me to look back on. Michael and Lisa then came to our house to do a yard shoot, well the weather could not have been worse but Michael came up with some different ideas and the shots that he got in the stables were amazing.
Michael has also been working on a very special project for me, it something that is going to be launched very soon and we are very excited about.
Sponsorships can only work if they are two way. We promote Michael at every opportunity, its not hard to do because he is such a fantastic photographer, he gives up so much of his time to support me, we want to support him in anyway that our family can. There is still a lot more we can do and will continue to do so.
If you are interested in having a photoshoot with MDR Photo they have 50% off at the moment! Michael is very well thought of and becoming very well known in the equine world, I would take advantage of this while you can. You can see a lot of his photos on my blog but for more information go to

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