Sunday, 11 March 2012

Weekend show report!

Saturday was Glimpse's first ever Pony Club Show at Sands Farm. We were in the Novice. After a frantic call from our Team Manager (our class had started and we were still at home) we got there in time (for our revised jumping order) for a good warm up and then into the arena.Glimpse was awesome. Lovely double clear. Placing a respectable 5th. Such a good pony.

Sunday was mine and Yara's first BE event together at Tweseldown. Our sponsors were coming, Yara's owner was coming and the pressure was on. (I was saying all last season that I needed a bit more pressure)! Well what a lovely day for it. We left our house at 6.30am and arrived at Tweseldown at 7.30am. I marched Mum round the xc in record time, collected our number and then met with David and Willl at the lorry. We love them coming along as they are so helpful and it does take a lot off of Mum. Then Michael from MDR photo and his wife Lisa turned up. It was so lovely to meet them and everyone instantly got on and I loved having a big entourage it made me feel so supported.
Our plan for the day was to get a relaxed dressage with no tenseness and a double clear. Well we did- kind of!
Yara was so relaxed in the dressage and she pulled off a 31.5. Very very pleased.
We did do a clear showjumping but..........I had a blonde moment and forgot where I was going this resulted in a circle which was 4 penalties and some time penalties!
The Cross Country was great, she was a bit looky in between the fences but she took on the fences no problem and we went clear. We had time penalties as she was a bit slow out of the start box. As I had never ridden her out of a start box I wasn't sure what to expect and I wanted it to be calm.
So all in all it was a very good day.
Afterwards Mum managed to feed lunch to the whole of the lorry park or at least she had enough food for the whole lorry park, and cakes were in abundance homemade by Will and Lisa. The sun was shining, we were in great company and we caught up with loads of friends, made new friends. It was the perfect day.

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