Friday, 23 March 2012

Stressy Friday

Not going to lie, today has been a little bit stressful. GSCE PE Examiner came in to check our grades today, I have been assessed in Riding, Netball, Netball Umpiring and Rounders, you could say I was a little tired!
Then I went to work (Fiona Bigwood and Anders Dahl's yard) and had a fab surprise, as I tacked up Dancer I was told that Anders would be riding with me and giving me advice. As I rode up the walkway on Dancer to the school, I thought - could this day get anymore stressful? What happens if Anders thinks I am rubbish? Dancer was well behaved, I got some great tips from Anders and I heard after he was complimentary about my riding! Glad my day is over, this afternoon riding with Anders was definitely a highlight!
Can't wait to take Dancer to his first ever competition on Sunday.

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