Sunday, 25 March 2012

Maidstone Dressage 25/03/12

Dancer tracking left wiith a spookDancer_1962Dancer_1969Dancer_1977Pearl 1Pearl2

Maidstone Dressage 25/03/12, a set on Flickr.
Our day started earlier as the clocks went forward and after loading Pearl we set of to Fiona and Anders' Yard to collect Dancer. Dancer and Pearl met for the first time in the lorry and all was well, so good start. It turns out that Liz is as good as navigating as me, so we put the sat nav on, it thought we were somewhere completely different and at one point told us to turn right off the motorway. So I was told to hand the directions over to Liz, Liz then told Mum to turn off at junction 3 when she meant 6! Mum promptly told her to hand the directions back to me! By then the sat nav finally started working and realised where we were and we were able to hand over the responsiblity to the lady on there. By some miracle we found our destination!

Dancer certainly did Dance , all over the warm up arena and also in the main arena! However we did get a tune and there were some cracking bits there, so much to work with. This was his first ever competition and I was so so pleased with him and can't wait to take him again, I know he will just keep improving and the judges loved him. Place - a very respectable 3rd, not bad for his first competition!

Next was Pearl, Pearl has not been out for a long time and we have been working hard to build up the strength behind. She was so chilled and relaxed. At times she lacked the engagement that I can get out of her at home, but I was very pleased with her, still lots to build on - but we won! Good girl Pearl.

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