Tuesday, 12 July 2011

Double clear at Rackham for Pearl

I went to Rackham Riding club event on Sunday again on the Pearly whirly to consolidate what we had done a couple of weeks ago but the most exciting news is we have our lorry back so we went in style to Rackham!  When I say style, it is the old blue box, on a white chassis and silver luton and skirts! We were definately different!

Dressage, well there where glimpses of stunning work but typical Pearl she threw in a few bucks only two this time so she is getting better, but I think I have come to a conclusion of what it is, I think what happens is when something goes slightly wrong or I feel Pearl is going to do something instead of ignoring her and relaxing and pushing her on - I tense my legs and then use my heels not my calves which means I block her and then she bucks to almost say "Hey stop blocking me I cant move". Mum is sceptical but I know Pearl she is not being naughty she is just telling me what I am doing wrong, but anyway she got 36.8 due to her bucking .

Show jumping she did a beautiful clear a little fast but at the moment I dont mind that and she didnt freak when she got a little close she just used her back and sprung up which is perfect! The steward commented to Mum that I had a very talented horse! Well haven't I always known that?

 XC again faultless she is just taking me now and is very bold.

So this resulted in a lovely joint 4th but I was put down to 5th placing due to how they scored,  I was very pleased!

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