Thursday, 14 April 2011

Two training sessions today!

This morning we headed off to Caroline Jeanne's for BE Under 18 training at Albourne, morning started out with a flat tyre. Somehow Caroline's training sessions do not bode well, bearing in mind the last one ended up with a crashed lorry and mum in hospital. So I decided to take Pearl. Now Pearl and training sessions also do not mix and today was no exception. She was her same old self (a stubborn mule), however I lean't that I need to play to her strengths. This means jumping on grass is the answer to her stubborness. Caroline seems to think she will make a nice junior horse, her only querk is that she does not like jumping on sand. So fingers crossed playing to her strengths she might get there, if she doesn't end up in a dog food tin beforehand!

This evening Mel Breen came to visit for a dressage lesson on Jake, slight problem heat in the leg! If we get this horse to Badminton it will be a miracle! Bandaged up we did a light session in walk and trot only but he was so responsive and really supple, could this be the magnetic rug? He showed no sign of lameness. Fingers crossed.

1 comment:

  1. Only a week left, fingers crossed Jake stays on top form!
