Sunday, 17 April 2011

Busy, Busy day

Gail Stephens picked me up today and we headed off to the Unaffilliated South Of England Horse Trials with Pearl and Beanie, their first events of the season. We arrived 40 minutes before the dressage, so no time to walk the cross country! We tacked up Beanie and get ready for the dresage, my organisation turned into disorganisation when I went to the car and found that I had forgotten my Jacket and stock!
Quick ring to my legendary father, he had to hot foot to Ardingly in half an hour. The kind dressage steward put two horses in front of me and Dad turned up with 2 mins to spare. Its worth noting that poor Dad had to go all the way back home only to turn round and come back to work an hour later, and he wasn't even cross! Onwards and upwards Beanie was a typical ginger mare, very tense and very excitable, however when working properly was absolutely stunning, she has flamboyant paces and has such presence. Completed test, (on a score of 37) jumped off and got on Pearl, who was feeling a bit exhuberant, she had a nice big buck in the warm up but there was no time to stress as I was next in. She did an amazing test, strike off to canter on left rein was beautiful (something we have been really working on), but as always she has to put a querk in there somewhere, the right strike off was not so smooth and we had another massive buck, it made the judge laugh! But we got a score of 27.2! Showjumping for both clear, alhough Pearl needed some encouragement to go into the ring.
Getting ready for cross country, I realised I had no body protector, no air jacket!  Dad by this time was at work so I had to go round and ask to borrow one, (I think my organisation may have let me down today)!
Cross country clear on Beanie inside the time and Pearl a bit green, she wasn't confident enough to go forwards and lost concentration. She had a stop but not really at a fence it was at something to the side of it and she just had not locked on to it, so I re-presented, she was focussed and jumped it well. No idea of placings, I know I have a definite placing with Beanie and Pearl may have got a low placing even with the XC 20 penalties. A REALLY GREAT DAY !

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