Friday, 15 April 2011

Will he won't he.....

We called Ed Lyle our very local and utterly brilliant vet out and as usual he was jam packed solid all day, so he fitted us in this evening, not sure when he sleeps! Jake hates vets, he turns into psycho horse but for some reason he loves Ed and just behaves beautifully. When he brought the scanner out we thought he would go up but no he just stood there like a lamb. Verdict - we are good to go. The heat has subsided, the swelling is down and the scan showed there was no damage to the tendon. Keep up with the cold treatments.
I learned something today about cold treatments. 1. You should never apply cold for more than 20 minutes, if you do it starts having a detrimental affect and the blood starts pumping to that area to try and make it warmer. Even though these cold treatments sometimes say "keeps cold for up to 2 hours", you should not do that. 2. After cross country or gallops the very first thing you should do is get cold on to the tendons, not wash your horse off or even take tack off, get cold boots or bandages on (20 mins only), then tack off and wash off and walk around. You learn something new everyday!
So anyway the answer to the "will he won't he" is "yes he will" we are going to badminton!

1 comment:

  1. Terrific, look out Badminton Harriet Upton is on her way! Lol Auntie Tx
