Monday, 8 October 2012

Last event of the season :(

Last event of the season and I couldn't have asked for a better last one.

I love Hector!

It has been a very up and down this season with Hector, we started the season well with a really good 2nd at Iping in the 80, then a couple of weeks later he got an injury that meant he was out for a month and a half. Nightmare!

But never the less he came back stronger and just in time to finish the season and did he finish well, like I always say, hard work pays off and I have Tina Cook also to thank for all her help training Hector and I ready for Pulborough..


Pulborough was awesome.

I came 11th even though it is not 1st this does not bother me, in eventing when competing youngsters I believe its personal goals! And Hector gave me one of the best personal goals ever he was, trusting, calm and just beautiful!

Dressage: I took advantage of the long walk to the dressage and let him trot and canter with his head up so that he relaxed and it did him the world of good. He was so relaxed and listening to me every step of the way, this is one huge, huge improvement> He went into the arena with such charisma he just felt great, there were a few mistakes like when I was doing canter to trot transitions going down hill and the halt but for his 3rd event ever he was wonderful.

Showjumping: Normally his worst phase but he was also great, he had a little paddy in the warm up when he was spooking at other horses but after a little perseverance he became settled and he jumped a super round. He had one pole, the last fence. The cause of this was him throwing his head up before the fence and running through the bridle, then flattening over the fence, he used to do this at every fence on the course. He gives me such a awesome feeling over the fence. Oh and Pulborough's new surface is LUSH!!!!

Cross Country: He was unbelievable!!! I could not have faulted him, he just ate up the course! AWESOME, awesome, awesome

This was a wonderful end to the season, not just because Hector superb, all my owners came to watch me this included Yara's owner David, Estella and Arabella:s owner Jill and Hector|:s owner Sarah, 2 of our very good friends came along too Lisa Sparrowhawk and Emily Bennet. We know that Micheal and Lisa Rogers my sponsors were definitely there in spirit, though we miissed them terribly! Everyone was very helpful and as usual extremely supportive. Thank you all.

This Season has been a roller coaster, I have had some wonderful times and some difficult times but it has all come together at the end of the season with some gorgeous and very very talented horses and I love them all! I cant wait for next season to get them all out competing.

My Team my wonderful team! The Upton team is unbeatable, I have such support and I needed that this season more then ever, I feel so lucky to have such lovely owners, sponsors and family

I would like to Thank

My owners: Grant Laing, Jill Chaytor, David Foy and Sarah Millard for allowing me to ride their very very very lovely horses

My supporters: Micheal and Lisa Rogers (MDR photo), Andrew Reilly (saddler), Rosalie Gregory (timomthy Foxx), Grant Laing (farrier and uncle) Matt Tarrant and Kate Lucas (LMEQ)and Jon Pitt (performance coach) I wouldn't be able to do what I do without your help and support it means the world!

My trainers: Tina Cook, Ken Spencer, Mel Breen, Fiona Bigwood and Emma Harrison, thank you, you guys help me in so many ways and make me be the best I can thank you.

Last but not least...

My Family: All I can do is apologise Mum and Dad for the early mornings, long journeys, the money, the stress and the list goes on but thank you for not disowning me and putting up with me and my determination!

Once again thank you all for bearing with me and believing in me when I was having my learning curves!! I cant thank you guys enough. BRING ON NEXT SEASON!!!!!!!!!!

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