Thursday, 4 October 2012

Big catch up

So sorry I have not updated my blog for a few weeks, we have had computer issues but a new router has sorted it! No more excuses.

Its been a busy month. We said goodbye to my Brother Ross who left to go and work in Oxford as a Clinical Cardiac Scientist, I shall miss his taxi service and his made up dinners that is for sure! On a positive note I no longer get science lectures at the dinner table, I get his bedroom and we get to visit Oxford a lot, so not all bad! (Not so sure Mum sees it like that)!

I am still working at Fiona Bigwoods and Anders Dahll's yard and love it, I wish I could work more hours there but I wouldn't have time to ride all my horses at home. They have very kindly given me a horse called Pamela to produce as an Eventer (well that's what i'm planning, she's got a cracking jump). Pamela is 3 years old and the daughter of Anders' very gorgeous Dramatic. Pamela has a few opinions and is a bit of a diva - we get on splendidly! Yesterday I was asked to ride 3 other horses for them too, I am wondering if this means less mucking out.....

Tomorrow after work I am off to ride a little 13.2 pony and will probably be riding him for his owner a couple of times a week, to help out with his education! I am slightly worried that I will squash him!

I have also been doing more teaching, which I love and hope to develop more in future.

Short update on horses:

Unfortunately Yara has sustained a blunt trauma injury to her Superficial Flexor Tendon. We have been working on engagement of hind quarters and it seems she really does bring her hind leg through now! A bit too much. We think she struck it through the boot and that saved it from being a much worse injury.
She had PRP treatment last week and I have started walking her up and down the drive. We will be doing that for the next 6 weeks until her scan.

She has been a little superstar. Took her to Berkshire College in the BE 90 and she came 7th , then we went to Felbridge Combined Training and got placed there too with a clear sj. She is coming on leaps and bounds, she is now popping round 1m courses at home.

Due at his second event at the weekend, placed at Felbridge the other weekend. Hector and I have been training with Mel Breen and Tina Cook he jumped 1.10m in a grid of 4 jumps on grass today, so pleased with him. He still gets tense when we take him out but he is getting better and better and you can see he is pure class. At home is so relaxed now, if I ever lose Mum you can be sure she will be found in Hector's stable chatting away and having a cuddle, she absolutely loves him!

Gorgeous Arabella came to us two weeks ago, she is 4 and Estella's daughter. She is such a promising horse. We are continuing to train with Ken Spencer who has had her for a nearly a year so knows her really well. Because I helped back Arabella and helped with her early education we have a real bond.

Pearl has been helping ex riders get back to riding again, she is so good out hacking and to see their faces when they come back (and Pearls) is lovely.  I will hunt her and do some dressage on her until we find her a special home.

Well that is it, as you can see I have about 8 horses to ride at the moment. I am off to the National Schools Championships in a couple of weeks, unfortunately not with Yara as I should be but Hector is stepping in for the dressage and Beanie will be doing the showjumping.

Am I missing school? NO! Do I regret not going to college? ABSOLUTELY NOT! I am working harder than I ever have. My day starts at 7 and often does not finish before 8 and I rarely get a day off but I love it!!!!

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