Friday, 3 June 2011

Borde Hill

Best dressage!!!!! I think all that dressage without stirrups has really helped me, Stella and I scoring  a 31.5, I was even more chuffed with this because I had learnt the wrong test and had to learn the right one on the way, never dull moment!
Show jumping has been a mission, in practice Estella has decided to turn very green on me and spook at absoultely everything which has meant some very sticky jumps and my hunting seat has been required much more then I would like, so with this in mind I booked a lesson with good old uncle Ken the day before Borde Hill and we worked on both Stella and me. We came to the conclusion that she is green but to help her I need to be less stiff and loosen my reins and just relax and I need to stop seeing the stride.
So with this all fresh in mind I did my show jumping at Borde Hill and the first 5 went very well and we then got to the start of the triple which was an oxer but we got way to deep which ment Estella couldn't get the stretch for the back rail so we took that down and cleared the next two a little sticky but clear. Normally after Stella has knocked one she will not touch a thing and be extra careful but we think what happened was she over reached and this meant she didnt pick up that front leg quickly or snappy enough and then procceeded  to knock 2 more. When we looked back on the video that my dad took, we were on the correct stride ect, but we can see she took a knock on that front leg before.
We procceeded to the Cross Country which was causing a few problems at the tricky combinations they threw in near the end but I was determind I wasnt going to take any alternatives and I was going to take all straight routes even The Brush to The Corner on a downhill slope and I tell you what, I have never walked a fence so many times and talked to so many people about the combination. I collected as much information about it as possible to then added what I thought I should do. I visualised the feeling and the exact striding and not only did we go clear we nailed the line in that combination it was the best feeling I have ever had!
But we did get quite a few time penalties XC, I expected that as it is not a galloping course and Stella is slow through the air over the jumps and 12 faults show jumping but oh well we got best dressage and I had a fantastic Cross Country ride!

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