Sunday, 15 May 2011

Practice, practice and practice again!

Couple of weeks break from competing and putting all my energy into practicing everything I have learn't. (And of course I am revising for my end of year exams)!

Forty minutes riding without any stirrups each time I school is definately the way forward for Stella and I, it frees me up and I am able to move my legs more, she responds so well. It helps our lateral work, I also feel so much more and she is a lot looser. If only I could ride with no stirrups in a dressage test!

Has enjoyed a week of hacking, . She also has a grazing muzzle (one of my birthday presents)! Which she absolutely hates and puts her in a thoroughly bad mood. We are desperate to get some weight off of her!

Has started taking the contact down with the lightest touch on the rein. She has started jumping, proving very easy to do, but then shes not gone through her teenage stage yet, she is still only 4. We know how 5 year olds can be!

Is happily enjoying retirement in the field, with his friends and being hacked out. I did have a little schooling session with him the other day, he was just amazing, he just floats accross the school.

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