Saturday, 18 May 2013

Symms International Horse Trials - Will we, wont we........

The build up to Hambledon was a little stressful. The reason this run was so important is that Danny and I are due to go to Jardy (Paris) 10 days later and this would be our only run at 1* level as a combination before we go. The Sunday before we had a fantastic afternoon practicing our jumping at Coombelands, he was sound as a pound, Monday morning he went out in the field, still sound, Monday afternoon he was literally hopping lame. Where were my vet and farrier? On holiday! Frantic phone call to Zack Treliving who came in at 8am the following morning, meanwhile we poulticed and prayed! Zack came and removed the shoe to see if it was an abscess, he didn't think so, so we put the shoe back on. Because we couldn't use bute or any medication prior to Hambledon we called Stuart at Arundel Equine Hospital to get his advice. He suggested ice tubbing and then using like ice clay to pack the foot with and to keep him in. We did this 3 times a day every day. It was going to be touch and go as to whether he would make it. Everyday he looked a little better but I wasn't allowed to ride him. Thursday night he was sound. Pip arrived with Red as were taking them with us too and we left for Hambledon at 5am the next morning.
We arrived with not a lot of time due to traffic problems it took us 3 and bit hours to do a 1.5 hour journey. But I quickly got ready, thanks to Pip who did Danny for me, I put on my top hat and tails and we went to warm up. (Click on this link for the video of the dressage Well considering this was the first time Danny had been ridden since Sunday he was amazing, yes there were a few disobediances but I can forgive those and he was completely sound. We got a 56.1 which put us mid table.
Then it was Pip's turn, she did her dressage (slight memory lapse in the middle) and then we all went off to walk the course. I walked the 1* with Michael Rogers from MDR Photo and Mum and Pip walked the 100 course.
Pip then went and did a beautiful double clear. We had such a great day, went off to find our stables and then after we settled the horses went to the pub for dinner with Mum, Michael and Tom. A perfect end to a perfect day.
Pip and I stayed in the lorry whilst Mum stayed in luxury with Michael and Lisa, our evening was fairly incident free except for when for some reason Pip thought Red was cast and went rushing out at 4.30 in the morning to check on him. We were so organised that the horses were done and ready to go back to the showground, lorry tidied etc by the time Mum, Michael and Lisa arrived at 7.45am.
Photo: This is the way to do a competition!
My brother Ross and his friend Gary turned up to watch as Oxford is only 40 mins away. We also had some other friends turn up from London Lydia and Eliza, it turned into a proper social occasion!
I was so excited to do the jumping, we had a great round although we rolled 2 poles, something we need to work on.
And then on to the xc, it was an exhilarating feeling. The course was challenging, it caused a lot of trouble but we went clear and to be honest I looked at the intermediate and felt ready to take that step. (Just need to persuade Mum now).

We stayed a little bit longer, I let Mum walk the course after I had jumped it and we finally returned home late afternoon. It was such a lovely weekend.

Photo: We wanted to jump this!!!
This intermediate jump is bigger than Pip!
After Pip and I had unloaded the horses and the lorry we went off to Coombelands to walk the course we were jumping the following day!

Thank you to for taking such amazing photos, the full gallery can be viewed on my website

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