Tuesday, 19 March 2013

Boo's Sire

I found this on the internet, it is all about Boo's sire Dramatic. Boo is rising 5 and proving to be very exciting and I love educating her. She has been broken for about 5 months now. She has a brain and tries her heart out and is the cuddliest pony on the yard!!

DRAMATICFoaled in 2002 - Hanovarian - Black - 1.71 m


Don FrédéricoDonnerhallpar Donnerwetter
CleopatraPar Consul
St Pr. St. WeltinaWeltmeyerpar World Cup I
St. Pr. St. Geraniepar Grenadier

Dramatic’s sire, Don Frederico, is one of the most popular Hanovarian breeding, today. He was the winner of his performance test, with the fantastic score of 151.05 points.
Don Frederico competed on the level of St. Georges, and won the qualifiers for the Nurnberger Burgpokal final in 2006.
Dramatic comes from exceptional maternal stock: in 2002, in the “Bundesstutenschau” in Warendorf, his dam was labeled “Elite.”
This bloodline has yielded numerous dressage and show jumping stallions who compete at the highest level.


When Dramatic first appeared, it was not clear that he would become a champion…
But after his selection at Verden at the age of 3, his owner let him mature and he started to compete in earnest receiving scores of 9 at his selection at Verden.
At the “Bundershcampionnat” for 3 year-olds, the judges were convinced and awarded him with 4th place in the final.
Dramatic finished the season as the grand winner of the 30-day test at Adelheitsdorf. He got five 9’s and three 10’s.
In 2007, at the age of 5, he was approved in the KWPN studbook.
In 2008, he won the World Championship for 6 year-olds in Verden.


His first offspring were foaled in 2008, and they are showing promise. They are distinguished by their strength, flexibility, grace, and style. 


A magnificent conformation and a temperament beyond reproach, this star stallion of the Hanoverian studbook has proven his genetic value for dressage both by his offspring and his performances.

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