Tuesday, 19 March 2013

Boo's Sire

I found this on the internet, it is all about Boo's sire Dramatic. Boo is rising 5 and proving to be very exciting and I love educating her. She has been broken for about 5 months now. She has a brain and tries her heart out and is the cuddliest pony on the yard!!

DRAMATICFoaled in 2002 - Hanovarian - Black - 1.71 m


Don FrédéricoDonnerhallpar Donnerwetter
CleopatraPar Consul
St Pr. St. WeltinaWeltmeyerpar World Cup I
St. Pr. St. Geraniepar Grenadier

Dramatic’s sire, Don Frederico, is one of the most popular Hanovarian breeding, today. He was the winner of his performance test, with the fantastic score of 151.05 points.
Don Frederico competed on the level of St. Georges, and won the qualifiers for the Nurnberger Burgpokal final in 2006.
Dramatic comes from exceptional maternal stock: in 2002, in the “Bundesstutenschau” in Warendorf, his dam was labeled “Elite.”
This bloodline has yielded numerous dressage and show jumping stallions who compete at the highest level.


When Dramatic first appeared, it was not clear that he would become a champion…
But after his selection at Verden at the age of 3, his owner let him mature and he started to compete in earnest receiving scores of 9 at his selection at Verden.
At the “Bundershcampionnat” for 3 year-olds, the judges were convinced and awarded him with 4th place in the final.
Dramatic finished the season as the grand winner of the 30-day test at Adelheitsdorf. He got five 9’s and three 10’s.
In 2007, at the age of 5, he was approved in the KWPN studbook.
In 2008, he won the World Championship for 6 year-olds in Verden.


His first offspring were foaled in 2008, and they are showing promise. They are distinguished by their strength, flexibility, grace, and style. 


A magnificent conformation and a temperament beyond reproach, this star stallion of the Hanoverian studbook has proven his genetic value for dressage both by his offspring and his performances.

Thursday, 7 March 2013

CAT Combined Analysis Training

Never a dull moment. Get back from Aston Le Walls really late, go straight to bed and then up and off the next day to the wonderful place that is LMEQ (Littleton manor) for Jon Pitts combined actual training.

What's combined analysis training you may ask well....

It's video analysis and experts advice from Lucy Thompson and Jon Pitts . Show jumping is first, you do a round of 10 fences as if in a competition, whilst being videoed and watched by Lucy Thomson, then you have a chat with Lucy about what you may have to improve on and you try it again. The cross country you do the same thing, there is a cross country course set out. You go around the course again whilst being filmed and timed and Jon watches you then has a chat with you and he helps and advises ways you may be able to improve. This now explains the title Combined Analysis Training.

I took Hector along to this ( I was meant to take Arabella too but she lost a shoe). He was a really good boy, it was a great thing to do especially with Tweseldown this weekend. With his showjumping he is super tricky because he tends to put his head up and run through the bridle, when he does this I usually just soften with my hands, but Lucy told be by doing this he was the being lazy in front and knocking fences, he also does a very bouncy canter but isn't travelling anywhere or going into my hand this is when he can run through the bridle. Lucy gave me some fab tips to try and correct this, she said to really ride the canter from behind to make him come up in front and to me in my hand, then, when turning to a fence if he runs to it I should shut my fists.....MAGIC... He picked up in front then after doing that a couple times he stopped running and started jumping big and round, it was honestly like waving a magic wand!

Then cross country time! Hector was great xc even though I didn't ride my first round to my usual standard, he is a xc machine.
I had a chat with Jon after my first round and we both came to the conclusion that it wasn't to my usual standard, but you can't always be on your A game,(feeling a little tired from the day before). I learnt from it and remembered how to ride and did a much better 2nd round remembering how much to set up before different fences. Something that has really stuck in my mind about what Jon said is
' I am now starting to make you think and ride like a 4* rider, you need a process how you ride cross country and need to practice and practice at this level'
This really hit home, since he said that I've been looking on YouTube at all the top riders to try and see what they do, how they set their horses up and the process which they use! I am also going to start asking them when I see them too!

I found this CAT very interesting it definitely gave me a lot to think about, I would fully recommend anyone to do it.

Big thank you to Littleton Manor for hosting this and to Lottie Clay and David Smith for organising. The ground on the XC was fantastic and it ran like clockwork. It was great to meet and talk to Fiona from Local Rider too.

West Sussex County Times Feature

Had a lovely feature in the West Sussex County Times today. Danny takes a good photo......

Wednesday, 6 March 2013

Whoooo whoop whoop whoop yeahhh get in there...


Photo kindly taken by MDR_Photo

The morning of Aston Le Walls, I was like a little giddy kid at Christmas, I got up an hour before I needed to and just started cleaning Danny to make sure he look gorgeous!

It was one of those days that couldn't have been better, everything just went so smoothly!

My brother even came to watch with his friends (Mum joked that I had my very own medical team on standby but they would only have been useful if I had had a heart attack, since they all specialise in Cardiac) and this was their first introduction to eventing!

The sun was out and it even seemed like summer. Mum and I pinched ourselves as we walked the course. 1st day back eventing, sun was out and I get to ride a horse like Danny.

Danny and I did an average dressage test of a 31.5, he was a little tense to start with but I think we both settled into it a little more by the end of the test, I was surprised at how well he went since he had been a monkey when I was practicing the test at home, but he was a good boy.

Show jumping was great, (I think Danny found it a bit of an insult), I was a little worried he would get a bit strong but he didn't, although he did jump massive and I think he did that on purpose to make a point that he can jump a lot higher, but still we did a beautiful clear together.

Cross country, well it's safe to say I kept the hand break on for the first few fences because on our way back from the dressage he saw the xc and took a hold and started cantering and jumping. Tina and Sam had warned me he can be a bit unruly xc, so I anticipated the worst butttt I was pleasantly suprised he was a real gentleman and by the fifth fence I eased off the hand break and he stayed in a lovely sedate canter which is what I wanted!!

I ended on a 36.70 hitching up quite a few time penalties but that doesn't matter because its all about gaining the feel for him!

It was a great day Michael and Lisa Rogers came along to support me too and Micheal (MDR) took some wonderful photos as per usual, and Lisa did some great filming of me!

Can't wait for Danny and my next appearance which is at Tweseldowm in another BE100!!!

More pictures: http://www.harrietupton.com/aston-le-walls---2nd-march-2013.html