Wednesday, 20 February 2013

Arabella you are a Superstar

Arabella the (not quite) 5 year old superstar.

First time in and indoor arena, first time jumping artificial cross country fences, first time with mirrors there is a first time for everything why not at Merrist Wood doing the JAS!!!

She jumped absolutely fantastically, she wasn't spooky and did a foot perfect double clear. To boot we got a zero penalty style mark which was just incredible and then to go and get in the top ten out of 57 starters and qualify for the national finals on Saturday at Bury Farm! Unbelievable.

This young horse is just so incredible and reminds me so much of her mother Estella, lets hope we are just as successful as Stella and I!

So next stop Bury Farm, Buckinghamshire, it would be a big ask to repeat last weeks performance but the experience is going to be really good for her.

(On a PS note Danny also did a double clear in the open with a 0 penalty style mark, he did qualify too but we have decided to save him for another day. A very good day all round).

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