Monday, 2 April 2012

Goring Heath Horse Trials Show Report

xc3xc2xc4checking the score board Prize GivingPrize Giving 2
Taken by Louise Hunt 1 picTaken by Louise Hunt 2 Pic

Eventful journey! It took us 3 hours as we did a few detours, this time it was Mum's navigating. We arrived with not as much time to spare as we had planned but enough time for a coffee and we were ready for the off.
I think I can safely say that Yara was not focused and took a lot of warming in. My dressage test was also done in my jumping saddle as we are waiting for her dressage saddle to be adjusted and the jumping saddle helped free up her shoulders more. Not sure it does much for me though!! She wasn't the easiest to handle and contain but there was some nice stuff. It didn't flow as I would have liked but there is so much to work with, it will get better and the mark was a 35.5. Dressage judge comments stated three correct paces, she just needs a bit more through from behind in some of her work. Fair comments and fair marking.
The show jumping was awesome. She pinged round the course and I was so so pleased with her, she learnt so much over the past couple of months and really put it into practice at Goring Heath.
We thought the XC course was a fair test, it was up to height, she had some sticky little moments but nothing that made me think she was going to stop, it was if she was just looking to me to tell her it was ok.
She is a horse that you need to set up for every fence but gradually she is trusting me, listening to me and riding to my aids.
So I finished on my dressage score, double clear inside the time and we were placed. Very chuffed! Good girl Yara.

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