Thursday, 23 February 2012

Got to take the good with bad when it comes to horses........

Oh my goodness so much to say........

Shall I get the bad news out the way first? Our Stella has damaged her Straight Distal Sesamoidean Ligament. She was looking amazing, her training was going superbly and we were on track to be doing Junior Trials early season. One hooley in the field with her mates has put paid to that, she in now on box rest and due to start shock wave therapy tomorrow. Junior European hopes have faded but we have not given up completely and we will see how she goes. I am walking her for 20 mins a day at the moment and she is being absolutely spoilt rotten.

A call from Caroline Moore on Monday cheered me up considerably telling me to carry on with Junior Training but to take Yara. So Yara is going to benefit hugely. She's too young for Junior Europeans this year but could potentially be good for 2013.........?

Talking of Yara, she really stepped up to the plate last weekend at the Schools Show jumping. She was always going to do Intermediate but she took Stella's place in the Open. What a superstar. Farlington ended up 2nd in the Intermediate and WON the open. Long, long day, we got home at 11pm that night only to be up and ready for training with Ken at 8.30am.

The training with Ken was amazing. My first session I rode Arabella (Estella's daughter) what an incredible horse. She definitely wants to follow in her Mum's footsteps. She has the look of Stella but she is finer, a bigger mover and boy can she fly over those jumps. I think she might be up to those young horse classes! I took little Glimpse for the second session she jumped a 3ft 3ft3 track without touching a thing. Glimpse is such a  lovely little horse, so loving and well behaved, Its like having a big dog. Her first love apart from galloping at high speed is show jumping. That little horse has never refused a jump.

All horses backs have been done this week and all had the dentist, so we are ready to rock and roll for 2 weeks Sunday. This weekend I am doing pre-season training with the juniors at Tweseldown - can't wait.

Here is the beautiful talented Arabella, aged 3 and a half, doing her "thing" on Sunday

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