Thursday, 19 January 2012

Schools Jumping

The Annual Farlington show!  (We have one every year you know)! It was a very cold day and Sands Farm always seems like the coldest place on earth! It was such a busy show and bit manic when we arrived at lunchtime Dad ended up "policing" the warm up arena (those of you who know my dad will know that this is the perfect job for him) and Mum stewarding. Marion our Team Manager and overall in charge of the show seemed to have everything under control, which was amazing considering how many horses and riders there were.

Plan A - take Yara my new horse and Estella to do the 90cm and 1.00m classes

But you know with horses, you always need a Plan B!

Yara true to form seemed to have cut herself on her leg in the stable overnight being the delicate flower that she is we couldn't risk jumping her so on to Plan B - Glimpse and Estella.

A little reminder about Glimpse - 5 yr old, ex-race horse, who has just been brought back into work after having a foal. Never been in an indoor school before, never jumped more than 80cm before and only ever been to one tiny show down the road and that was cross poles last summer! Perfect back up plan - NOT!

Well she was an absolute superstar. The indoor school did not faze her, the crowded warm up arena did not faze her and then she went in to the ring, it was an up to height 90 with big bold fillers. She did have a refusal but it wasn't a big deal, it was a green mistake, she jumped big into the double which was a one strider, and because she jumped so big I could not get her straight for the second part and we found ourselves face to face with the wing. So I brought her round again and she jumped it perfectly the second time round. She rolled a pole too, but I was so pleased with her. She is going to make the most amazing pony, what an attitude.
Stella did a lovely clear in the 90cm which was a perfect warm up for the open and team got a very respectable 5th placing.

In the open I think I jumped technically the best round I have ever jumped, because finally everything Ken Spencer has been saying and drilling me about recently, about that canter fell into place. Stella has to have it just right as she is so difficult to jump. Not to fast not to slow but powerful and not to let speed become the enemy which it has been. Not this time - I had a collected but powerful canter which gave me enough time (if we were on the wrong stride) for me to try change it, I am finally learning how to show jump.

WE WON and I was one of the only clears so I was even happier!

We finally left at 6.45pm and I was due out for dinner at 7pm. Needless to say when I eventually reached the restaurant an hour late my food was waiting for me and so were my lovely friends. Happy Birthday Amelia!

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