Thursday, 1 December 2011

General update on horses!

Well it's definitely hit winter it's very cold up at the Upton's Barn.
But hey ho I have 4 beautiful horses they keep me warm!

Estella: just chilling at the moment enjoying a break just hacking, this week I brought her back into work, I thought it was going to be easier than it was - she leaped and bolted across the sand school which was very interesting!

Yara: Although a new arrival I feel like she has been with us for ages, she has really settled in and is doing really well in her work. I took her to Pycombe yesterday and she was cracking. She jumped a course of jumps 1m to 1m 5 which I was chuffed with, I've never jumped her round a course so it was good to see how she would take it and she went round surprisingly well even with all the fillers in. To improve she just needs to keep a slow steady rhythm around the course as it was just a little quick  but that will come with time and flat work training!

Glimpse: 5 years old and 15 hands but an absolute machine, she has been pinging, she jumped 1m10 in the sand school the last week in a course. I took her to Pycombe with Yara and I just did a little course of 80 to 90cm becasue I didn't want to over face her as it is the first time she has done a proper course with all the fillers in but there was no need to worry she popped all of them. She just needs more schooling again just to help her around the turns to be better balanced but all the natural ability there.

Pearl: She is one amazing hunter that's all I can say she just jumps anything and I'm enjoying hunting her!
Oh and I would also like to say to Lila Millard I will try and keep my blog updated for you, and I hear you went hedge hopping out hunting and jumped 9 hedges.... that's AMAZING!!! We might go to the Olympics together one day!

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