Friday, 21 January 2011

Painful Gill Watson Lesson 20/1/11

No need to go to the gym when you do an hour of pure sitting trot!!
Yesterday was my lesson with Gill Watson it was the best I have ever ridden but also the most painful I have ever felt the next day haha.
First part of lesson well that was working on me:
Reins and whip into the outside hand and let the inside hand relax and hang, go onto a large 20 metre circle in the middle of the school and guide with the leg which is harder then you may think, oh yer and do it in trot but not just a simple rising trot with stirups, it's a sitting trot without stirups! Shoulders back, chest out and relax the leg. This actually went suprisingly well!!!!
Second part of lesson working on Estella:
Basically work the horse in sitting with no stirups! Fianlly we started to perform, she lightly came into the contact I got her hind leg underneath her and it felt like we where gliding it's a feeling that I have only had once before and it wasn't on her.
Finally I had my stirrups back and  yes I stayed in sitting trot, I shortened my reins and started lateral work. First the leg yeld where with only a touch of the leg she reacted and did it with ease so then we did some shoulder in and the same thing happend it did just happened!!!
It was just amazing the feeling it gave me and it felt like we were truely connected. I felt like I was part of her not just sitting on top of her, I could feel everything she was doing underneath me.
One hour of sitting trot with and without stirrups, I will tell you one thing I do ache today!!

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