Journey went without any hitches, no blow outs (due to 6 new tyres ) we were not going to take any chances!
We arrived to thick mud and having to be towed on by tractor, it was pouring with rain, not the greatest start!
We had our rider briefing, sooo much information to take on board, the main thing that concerned me was that the buck stopps with me, apparently I am responsible for my team (basically Mum). So came straight back to the lorry and hid the wine ! Then........ Mum lost the lorry keys with everything locked in the lorry! (I actually put a haybale on top of them, but we will skip over that part). At the same time we found out that I was on first for trot up. Our neighbour Tor Gloag very kindly lent us some plaiting bands and a comb, I plaited whist mum turned the lorry inside out! The keys were found (under the hay bale, how we all laughed) and we headed to the trot up, I was dressed as cat woman and as I was first on, I got a lot of very funny looks from the pony team whose trot up was obviously in formal clothes, I needn't of worried bob the builder followed me and someone in a tutu, I thinks they got the idea! I was so worried about the trot up and when they announced no 1, Carraig Dubh accepted, I felt like whooping!! I walked the xc course with Caroline Moore and then once we worked shout how the generator worked........ we had tea and pretty much crashed by 10pm.
Day 2

Day 3
Day 4

Show Jumping day.... Safe to say I was feeling nervous!
He passed the trot up and looked great!!
The SJ was causing a few issues, poles were rolling and time penalties were clocking up.
Danny warmed up super and then it was my turn 8th from the end to go.
He was jumping well, in fact he was jumping absolutely huge, he was going awesome but sadly he just tapped the last which was a shame but I was still over the moon with the way he went!
Watching the rest of the SJ was incredible tense and very exciting, Connie did an amazing job and had an awesome win!!!
Danny boy and I managed to get in the top 10 with a 6th which I was absolutely chuffed with, he has been on such good form this year being very consistent.
I had such a great weekend met some lovely people!!!