Wednesday, 17 September 2014

Friday, 25 July 2014

Road to Team GB selection.......

"Although I have worked hard for this and really believed I could do it, when the decision was finally made and I was told I had made the squad it took a while for it to sink in!"

After the U18 championships it was back to reality I only had a couple of days to get used to the new horse on the yard Peanut and then we were off to Tweseldown with four, Peanut, Boo, Arabella and Hector. It was a Hectic day helped enormously by Emily Bennett who is Ken Spencers groom
and Lisa Sparrowhawk who as well as being a good friend is an Equestrian NLP Performance Coach (handy)!! We had a great day some average results but Boo got placed and all the others ran well.

A week later we were off to Nunney International Horse Trials with Hector and Arabella, they ran brilliantly coming in at 6th and 7th within 1.5 points of each other. It was Arabella's first Novice and she did a stunning double clear.  I will never forget the shock and disbelief of the tragedy that happened very shortly after I had finished and what a tragic day it turned out to be for the eventing world.

Rackham was next up for Boo and Peanut. We moved Boo up to the 100, she was so bold xc, got confused at the sunken road but went second time but took the one strides as bounces and generally gave stewards and commentators heart failure. This was mine and peanut's second event and we had had a couple of weeks to get to know each other resulting in a 29 and a double clear for 5th place.

Eridge the week after and another double clear for Peanut and another top ten placing, Boo was also really good. Her 40 penalty points xc were purely from the fact she over jumped and I didn't want to haul her round to the second part of the jump, we circled and approached it properly.

Barbury International was our next port of call with Danny, it was the final selection trial before the long list. What a fantastic event. Michael and Lisa came from MDR photo and captured the whole day on film. Danny felt on top form, Antonia Brown warmed me in for dressage and showjumping. Danny's dressage was just brilliant, rider error in the show jumping meant that Danny had to take over for a bit but he got us clear and then he did a beautiful clear xc in the time. It was an exciting finish and we ended up in third place. Absolutely over the moon. We didn't stay for the party, I knew I had 2 competing in two days time and wanted to get back to ride them. But next year.....
Here is the video of all three phases

On the Monday we received a letter from the Head of Selectors inviting me and Danny on to the long list for the Junior GB team.

On the Tuesday I was back at Tweseldown in the Novice with Arabella and Hector, Arabella did another beautiful double clear for a top ten placing. Hector did the most beautiful dressage and then the heavens opened and an hour and half later we had completely different ground, poor Hector slipped everywhere and rolled a few poles I decided not to take him xc as I didn't want to shake his confidence as he had been running so well.

The end of that week we were running at Brightling - huge thank you to Brightling and in particular Sarah Hayter, we put Hector on the wait list for the 100 to give him a run and the morning of the event they managed to get us in. So we were now three up for Brightling. Thank you Carolyn Gorman and Ellie Thorman for all your help. Peanut had yet another top ten placing and double clear, Hector ran really well but was HC so couldn't be placed, Boo had a stop at the ditch but went second time but again was really good.

And then it was Aston le walls, Lisa Sparrowhawk came with us (thank you Lisa for getting up at 2.30am)!! First up the Novice on the Friday with Hector and Arabella. Both did brilliant dressages, but we had had a horrendous journey m40 closed, huge diversion, it was the hottest day of the year, they were exhausted when it came to the show jumping they both rolled the poles, they just could not pick up their feet, they went xc both clear but very slow. The really did try their hearts out. Back late Friday night, afternoon off Saturday and meal out in the evening to take my mind off the following day - the final GB selection trial before the final squad announcement........

Sunday arrived, we left early so that we could do the course walk with Caroline Moore. Lisa, Grandad and Michael and Lisa from MDR came too, it was great to have their support. I was very nervous before the dressage and Antonia who was warming us up kept telling me to breath, the thing is I usually leave my nerves behind when I get in the ring and that is exactly what happened. I was so pleased with the test. It is not one I can practice a lot because it is in a long arena. Danny did brilliantly, next time we need to improve the halt and the leg yielding to get even better marks. The show jumping was proving tricky for quite a few sections before us and about two thirds of my sections had poles down but yet again Danny was a pro and he did a beautiful clear we went straight back and got ready for cross country. I had decided not to ride for the time as I wanted to make sure he didn't sustain any injury or have a mistake that could take us out of contention. We did a nice forward, rhythmic clear, without overdoing it and ended up in 3rd place. Really could not have wished for a better run in our last trial. Out of 8 completed runs this year Danny has got 6 double clears.

 The whole squad went to stay at a stables nearby, we had such a great evening, all the parents did a joint BBQ and we had our last supper together before the announcements the following day.

I was up at 5am (actually neither Mum or I really slept) to feed Danny, we had the trot up at 6.30am, then the physios came an looked over the horses and then the long wait. We were finally called in and told who had been selected. I knew I had had a good season with Danny, I knew we had been consistent but I still hadn't dared think that we might be selected. Such an amazing feeling, we went out a celebrated that night (I daren't tell you the time I got back)! But the very next morning (well 3 hours later) I was back out riding the other horses and focussed for our next event with them.

Europeans is 14th - 18th August Bishops Burton, Yorkshire. Before then I have team training in Nottingham, 3 horses to compete at Chilham, then I go to concentration and from there straight to the Europeans. I will be blogging for British Eventing on the run up and the actual competition and will post the links from here. So for now goodbye and see you on the other side.....

Friday, 6 June 2014

Racesafe Under 18 Championships 2014

Day 1

Journey went without any hitches, no blow outs (due to 6 new tyres ) we were not going to take any chances!
We arrived to thick mud and having to be towed on by tractor, it was pouring with rain, not the greatest start!
We had our rider briefing, sooo much information to take on board, the main thing that concerned me was that the buck stopps with me, apparently I am responsible for my team (basically Mum). So came straight back to the lorry and hid the wine ! Then........ Mum lost the lorry keys with everything locked in the lorry! (I actually put a haybale on top of them, but we will skip over that part). At the same time we found out that I was on first for trot up. Our neighbour Tor Gloag very kindly lent us some plaiting bands and a comb, I plaited whist mum turned the lorry inside out! The keys were found (under the hay bale, how we all laughed) and we headed to the trot up, I was dressed as cat woman and as I was first on, I got a lot of very funny looks from the pony team whose trot up was obviously in formal clothes, I needn't of worried bob the builder followed me and someone in a tutu, I thinks they got the idea! I was so worried about the trot up and when they announced no 1, Carraig Dubh accepted, I felt like whooping!! I walked the xc course with Caroline Moore and then once we worked shout how the generator worked........ we had tea and pretty much crashed by 10pm.

Day 2
Dressage, I was first on (obviously), to be honest I was a bit nervous, I don't usually get nervous but I think first on and felt I had a lot to prove . It was a solid test, he was much more in front of my leg and jaw was not as tense. The medium trot work could have been a bit more balanced but I was pleased and it was an improvement on Aston 2 weeks ago. So with a whole day ahead of me, we walked the course again, had lunch, a little afternoon kip and then I got back on Danny to stretch his legs. Another rider briefing, another walk of the course, this time we did our minute markers, by now I had got a bit nervous, then about 9pm Tina called, half an hour on the phone to her made me feel so much better, I promptly fell asleep straight afterwards. I know I am incredibly lucky to have someone like Tina to turn to. So another early night as I am SECOND ON. Final dressage result 46.2, 11th after the first phase.

Day 3

We got up at 6 to feed Danny and I wanted to get on at 8 to give myself a good 40 mins to warm up, all was going well until I tried to knock myself out in the lorry. Took me a few moments to recover from that, then we were off! Caroline helped me warm up and right on time 9.02 we were on our way. To say his was strong was an understatement, even though the course was not as big as some we have done, it was technical and caused a lot of problems. some of it was not pretty but we went clear inside the time. Yay! Yay! Yay! Lots of icing and washing off and walking, we satisfied the fei vet and team vet and went back to the stable. Next trot up for team vet and physio at 2.30pm went well and we spent the rest of the time in the sun, walking Danny in hand. That evening the juniors had a hog roast and we watched a film of the pony Europeans at bishop burton, which is where the junior Europeans are being held this year. Actually a really great evening, finishing with a final walk of the show jumping course, I would describe it as technical with some large fences. Final result after cross country 8th place going into final trot up.

Day 4

Show Jumping day.... Safe to say I was feeling nervous!
He passed the trot up and looked great!!
The SJ was causing a few issues, poles were rolling and time penalties were clocking up.
Danny warmed up super and then it was my turn 8th from the end to go.
He was jumping well, in fact he was jumping absolutely huge, he was going awesome but sadly he just tapped the last which was a shame but I was still over the moon with the way he went!
Watching the rest of the SJ was incredible tense and very exciting, Connie did an amazing job and had an awesome win!!!
Danny boy and I managed to get in the top 10 with a 6th which I was absolutely chuffed with, he has been on such good form this year being very consistent.
I had such a great weekend met some lovely people!!!


Tuesday, 27 May 2014

Three new horses, two blows outs, and an aborted trip to Devon

So my blog has been a bit sparse lately, owing to the fact I am struggling to fit in anything that doesn't involve riding and that includes a social life! My day is starting at 6am and often not finishing till 9pm but I am loving every moment. Since last writing we have had two blow outs on the lorry, a new horse that I own, Pearl has come back to Upper Barn, Frankie a little TB has arrived and we have a new competition livery called Peanut. We are full to the brim and have recently had to turn down another livery. Mum says we will need to build bunk beds for the stables soon!!!
My last blog was left on a high from Belton with Danny, he was then kicked in the shoulder by a naughty horse on a hack, which then had to be stapled, he wasn't lame but it was in an awkward place and so was on walk work for 5 days, then the following trial at Withington was cancelled and we rerouted to Bicton - IN DEVON! Danny didn't feel right in the dressage and nor in the show jumping and he was just a bit off, we didn't chance him cross country so came all the way back (7 hours as we had a blow out), it turned out to be a corn, so few more days off and then back on track with fitness for Aston Le Walls. Our dressage not amazing we got a 35 but to be honest we had been concentrating on fitness work and my lovely dressage trainer Fiona Bigwood also had a horrific accident which put a halt to any training and then a beautiful double clear, (although we nearly came a cropper at the water) coming 9th in the section and 3rd top junior there so we were over the moon.
Arabella limbering up!
So for those of you don't know Arabella is back and the best news of all is that I now own her! She is a beautiful talented horse and I am still pinching myself. I can't believe she is mine. She has done brilliantly since her return to Upper Barn, we have done three competitions and been placed twice in 2nd and 8th place. She has a long, long way to go in her training and sometimes in attitude but boy is she talented. We have decided that she is ready to go up to Novice, our first one will be at Nunney.
Boo and a ditch!
Now Boo, well she has provided some challenges, she just didn’t want to do ditches and did we know about it. After Munstead, we pulled her out of all competitions and just concentrated on training and got a little help from Kieran Crumley with the ditches and now she has changed so much, we took her out to her first proper event at the weekend and she was amazing and is now almost too bold! We are so ridiculously excited about her. She will move up to 100 very quickly. Oh and I nearly forgot to tell you… she also came 8th

Hector is jumping out of his skin at the moment and he is settling into competition again. Its a shame we couldn't complete his run this weekend because of the ground, he got a great dressage and I had a feeling he was going to do well with his jumping. He was on great form at Aston Le Walls for his1st novice of the season. We forgive the dressage - a another blow out on the lorry caused him and arabella a lot of stress and they were lit up for the dressage! But he jumped like a pro and really took me round the cross country.
Frankie is a new to Upper Barn, she is a four year old TB owned by Lottie and Sarah Platt, that I am producing as an eventer, she's got a great attitude and will be out competing soon.
Peanut this space, new to Upper Barn, I am riding her for Emma Mills and we start with our first event the weekend after next! She is a beautiful, 7 year old coloured mare.
In other news our really good friend Lisa Sparrowhawk is now based with us, Lisa is working alongside me helping me train and ride the horses, she is also a great sports performance coach and has helped me set my goals and gets me in the right mindset!
And finally Yara who I used to ride for David Foy has had a foal, a beautiful colt called "Harry"! He is the cutest thing.....

We are just about to change all our feed over to Pure Feed (I am not sponsored by them but after a lot of research and then meeting the founder of the company, I am really excited about the product). I heard about them through LMEQ who are one of my supporters. Danny has been on it for two weeks and we have noticed a difference in that shorter a time.

Next time I will get to blog will be after my final junior trial and National Under 18 championships, going to give it our best shot.......

Sunday, 13 April 2014

Belton International Horse Trials - Junior Trial

How long since I have wanted to do a junior trial? I remember three years ago having such high hopes for Estella after France and then she tore a ligament in the field and we had to retire her and with that went my hopes for Juniors for 2012 and 2013. In 2013 came Danny a horse that I could potentially do Juniors on with 2014 being my final year of having a shot at it. Well Danny is a tricky ride and we spent 2013 getting to know each other and the winter building up our training for our first trial and there is still a long way to go and we can still improve in all areas but if for any reason I don't get any further, Belton will stay with me!

First of all Belton is in Lincolnshire which is near Nottingham = long drive! We had our dressage on the Friday and show jumping and cross country on the Saturday. Our journey was made longer because as you might guess we got a little lost around Grantham, mainly due to signs telling us one way and Sat Nav telling us another. Eventually a cyclist stopped us as he had seen us a few times going round and round in circles and thought we might need some help. Bearing in mind it was lunchtime, he did ask if he had seen us at 6am that morning - now I know we are bad with directions but we are not that bad!

When we eventually arrived at the event, we were not prepared for how big it would be, it really is like a mini Badminton. It was a beautiful venue but the nerves kicked in when I realised how many spectators there were! They kicked in even more when I realised the dressage arena was in the middle of the grounds with shops and spectators all around! When I warmed up I really concentrated on us and not on everyone else, he felt really good. He did a smashing test and I have to say at this point thank you Fiona Bigwood for helping me make him look like a dressage horse, he will never have those flash paces and he is long but he held is own up there and in a very hot section of  60 of the very best juniors and young riders in the country, my Danny was joint 6th after dressage!

After dressage we stayed and walked the showjumping and watched some but wish I hadn't as it was all going wrong for every rider I watched. It was tricky and a lot of people were getting cricket scores! We then walked the cross country and gave Mum heart failure!

Over night we stayed at Nicole Mill's yard, it was a prefect choice for Danny as it was quiet and small. Nick Gauntlett also had about 6 of his horses there too. We had a few issues like our leisure battery on it last legs and gas running out, but we had a spare which mum replaced, was slightly concerned on my return from the stables to see mum under the lorry with a spanner and hammer in her hand!

We were on first thing in the morning so early start and back to Belton. In the end the show jumping rode well. We did roll a pole  but it was at the triple. It was a long stride followed by a short and that was always going to be tricky for Danny and the pole was unlucky, it dropped after we had jumped the fence! There were only 10 clears in the whole section!

By the time it came for the cross country Danny and I were more than ready. I had a few butterflies, it was the biggest track that I have ever jumped and there were some difficult lines but it rode like a dream  (apart from a jump near to the end where Danny locked on to the wrong one, but we got it sorted in time) and only got 1.2 time penalties. There were tears of happiness at the end of the course. I saw Tina at the end and she was emotional too! You can watch the video of the round here. : Belton Int. Horse Trials 2014 - Harriet Upton 750 - An Eventful Life via @AddThis.

I couldn't believe it when I heard the commentator announce the placings. I came 5th and was the highest place junior! Tears all round then and am pretty sure Mum cried all the way home! Great Withington is our next trial....

Tuesday, 25 March 2014

Day trip eventing to Norfolk!

We had braced ourselves for a tough weekend of early mornings and very long journeys. We worked out that we were going to have to be up at 2am Friday, 4am Saturday and 5am Sunday. But on Thursday Mum who was away on business got a text from Tina asking if we wanted a lift to Norfolk in the morning and considering Mum did not get back till 8pm the night before, it was a good job. However not wanting to wake our neighbours with a Lorry going up and down the drive we arranged to meet Tina at the petrol station at Buck Barn at 3am, you can imagine the manager's face when he saw us unloading and loading on his forecourt, Mum got a few questions about horse smuggling!

Well with me safely snuggled up in the back I got some kip whilst Mum supplied Tina with endless coffee, porridge for breakfast and conversation to keep her awake whilst driving. (They didn't have any trouble in that department). Of course any journey to an event is not complete without a detour and the odd missed turning. The M11 was shut so we made a detour apparently,  which was going well but I woke up when they had missed a turning. Anyway no trouble for Tina turning her 18ft lorry in a cul-de-sac and we were back on our way and we arrived at Great Witchingham in great time thanks to Pippa who phoned to tell us the way that she went, not sure we would have made it otherwise.

The event is lovely, its quiet, ground was good, the course quite old fashioned, it flowed well,  the fences were all solid, well built and educational  and I would definitely go back there. Michael Rogers from MDR photo drove hours just to come and support me, it was actually lovely that we went with Tina as Michael got to spend the day with her too. Danny did a super 29.1 dressage, so much better than last week. We did a clear sj and a cracking clear xc but he did help me out at one combination, if he hadn't of done that we may have been in trouble. I loved spending the day with Tina, having her warm me up for show jumping and then being able to talk over the cross country course, it was just what I needed for my first Intermediate this year.

I am pretty sure most people would think I was making this up if I told them that I went on a day out eventing and Tina Cook was Chauffeur, Pippa Funnell was personal Sat Nav and Lucinda Green.... well she sold us some carrots out of a van. (She did I promise but that's another story)!

We arrived home at 8pm. I have to say a huge thank you to Catherine to did the horses for me and got Boo washed and spruced ready for the next day and to Megan who plaited, it made the turnaround for us so much quicker. We were indoor by 9 ish, Dad had made us steak and chips and in bed for 10pm ready for our 4am start!

Thursday, 20 March 2014

Aldon is that in Hampshire or Somerset?!!!

Despite going out and celebrating our friend Marcus Gorman's 50th birthday Mum still managed to get up at 5am to feed the horses. We kind of have a routine show mornings. Mum gets up and goes straight out and feeds and skips out, I get up get ready, go out and get the horses ready, rug up the others and turn out, Mum comes in and gets herself and food for the day ready. Usually that all happens in sequence, occasionally it all goes a bit wrong. This morning owing to a little bit of a hangover from Mum it may have gone a little awry but we were on the road by 6.20am, 20 mins late far better than Tina who was out with Mum and was 50 minutes late leaving! Thankfully I had asked Gary Stevens to drive and help out, so Mum didn't have to drive!! Unfortunately I told Gary that we were going to Hampshire, an hour and half into the journey, Gary asked exactly where we were going and was a little shocked when Mum said Somerset.....whoops! Sorry Kate if you were expecting him back sooner

When we got to Aldon (in Somerset) once again Micheal and Lisa from MDR photo were there to support me, we met Micheal at the cross country and walked it together,

Once again we made it to all three phases in good time, lets hope this continues all season!
Our dressage unfortunately was nothing like our practice with Fiona Bigwood a few days earlier. Danny was tense and on edge, I played it quiet but that meant he didn't go forward enough, I think it may be our worst dressage score to date but I am not worried about that, I know I can get that back with him, he just needs few more outings to relax.

The showjumping went well and he was clear. I was so pleased with this as this is the phase we have been working on in our winter training, it has been our weakest phase as a partnership but today it felt awesome and all that work has paid off.
When we turned up to cross country it was a little overcrowded but Tina was waiting too so we walked and talked to pass the time. When I eventually went it felt so good, we went round in a great rhythm and met everything right. I still got lots of time penalties but I think it will be at least one more outing before I try and be a little more competitive. I know he is fit though, Aldon is really hilly and he was hardly blowing.

Thursday, 13 March 2014

Isleham Rocks!

Well the first event of the season beckoned, we chose Isleham as we heard they prepared the ground early, it is flat, the ground is usually good and they always run. All of those things were right. It was the perfect event to kick the season off.

Our journey was straight forward, if a little long but we arrived in bright sunshine. Micheal and Lisa Rogers from MDR photo also came along to support and take photos. (Thank you)

I hope we have started the season as we mean to go on because 1. We did not get lost 2. We arrived in good time 3. I got to all my disciplines on time and with plenty of time to warm up  4. I stayed on  5.Mum stayed upright !!!

I was pretty pleased with the dressage. We got an average score of 32, my centre lines could have been better, the medium canter was in danger of becoming a gallop but actually all in all I played it safe and I was pleased, he wasn't tense and we were quite accurate.

The showjumping caught some people out, luckily I saw Alice Dunsdon and was able to talk through the course, I was pretty ok with most of it but the last double looked tricky and not many people met it on the right stride. Alice told me to square it off and it rode like a dream. We went clear and I was pretty pleased with the round.

By the time we came to XC we were in our stride and it just felt great to be out Danny rode like a dream, we had a slight sticky moment  going into the water, where I nearly got jumped off and I very nearly got wet, but I regained my balance and we carried on to finish the course in style! We had oodles of time penalties but we were not riding for time as it is too early in the season to be pushing him.

We were joint 3rd after showjumping but slipped to 8th on time penalties.

Roll on Aldon Intermediate Novice!!

Many thanks to for the pictures

Friday, 28 February 2014

All the motivation you need before your first event of the season

As you know I have been training hard all winter, we live on top of a hill, the weather is harsh and the wind has been incredible but we have hardly lost a days training and now my first event is a couple of days away, I am excited and motivated beyond belief, I am not expecting great things early on in the season, I just want to give my horses confident runs. This week I received this letter out of the blue from someone I have never met. I won't embarrass her by putting her name on there but I was so touched and if I ever need a confidence boost, I think I will read this.


I know this will probably come across as very cheesy and out of the blue but I just wanted to say how much I look up to you as a young rider trying to make their way in this tough and selective sport. Not only do I view you as a talented rider and horsewoman but I also see and appreciate your hard work and your work ethic. I remember seeing an interview of yours from fit to ride and how you said that you don't go out to competitions to win as such but see them as 'training' and believe that the results will come when the foundations are solid and have been put in place when both the rider and horse work together well on the day. I also share this view and I have always struggled with it because of how patient you have to be, I am constantly saying to myself that I must be disciplined and school all of my horses slowly and correctly in order to get results when it matters at the higher levels as our basics will be so solid and there is no point in rushing a nice young horse for the sake of a rosette at a 90 or 100 etc. I wanted to wish you the best of luck for this season and beyond and I really am rooting for you to have a great junior year as well as your young horses putting in further quality rounds at the lower levels because they seem lovely types. 
All the best fellow aspiring event rider "

Debut in British Eventing Life Magazine!

Wednesday, 5 February 2014

Ramping up for the season!

Training and fitness has been ramping up here at Upper Barn pre season.

Rocklodge Nasdaq (Hector) has made a very welcome return (in his brand new rug) and has settled right back in as if he never left. Mum looks forward to her cuddle with him every morning and he has come back better than ever, he is much softer and working really well. He will be ready to event by the end of March and we will start doing some dressage in the next week or so. He has now been clipped so is ready for action!

Photo: Gorgeous Boo doing her thing!Our baby Dramatic Effect (Boo) is just fantastic, we have been out winning dressage shows, getting placed and qualifying for the British Eventing JAS finals, she is jumping clear rounds consistently. However her time back on the cross country at LMEQ was somewhat tentative, I am not worried, she is such a fast learner and next visit I know she will fly round. Cannot wait to start the season on her.

Embedded image permalinkFitness training has involved a lot of water work due to the nature of the flooding, but we have to get on with whatever weather we have, these horses have to be ready for the season. But as you can see this week the weather finally got to me and Danny and whilst it was raining and howling gales outside we hid in the stable and went to sleep!

Photo: Me on Joe and Pip on Shredder at Merrist Wood today all three Upper Barn horses went double clear, I think you call that a hat trick!  xJoe is still with us but his owner Eliza has gone off to learn to be a skiing instructor and then will go travelling later on in the year so Joe now has Megan Rogerson riding him. I am still going to compete him occasionally. He came 4th and qualified for the JAS championships with me and came 1st in his first showjumping competition with Megan. He is looking fantastic at the moment and I hope he does well at the championships at the end of February. He will do his first BE event with me at Tweseldown. We send photos to Eliza every week to keep her updated.

Danny and I are off to Junior Training this week at Aston le Walls, we have also been showjumping training with Ronnie Healy, we have a comprehensive plan for the season. He has had all his pre season vet checks, legs have been xrayed, he has been shod up to Xray and he ready to go. Our first dressage show was interesting, well to give you an idea. He and Boo were in the same class, he should have walked away with it but Boo beat him and he was barely placed! Naughty boy. Our aim next time will be to stay in the arena and contain our medium canter instead of flat out galloping down the longside!

In addition to my own horses I am still working for Carolyn Gorman, schooling the pointers, I have a few people that I teach and a couple of other horses that I ride. I have also been asked to ride for a couple of other people which I hope will start soon and when I do I will let you know who they are. (I am very excited).

Sadly I will be saying goodbye to my groom and good friend Catherine. Catherine and I have worked together for nearly a year. I will miss seeing her everyday but she will still be coming in to cover when we need her. I would like to thank Catherine for everything, come rain, wind and the little shine we have had she has been there for me.