Monday, 10 June 2013

Me 'n' Tina having fun at Mattingly!

Well the weather was perfect, it was always going to be an afternoon of banter as Tina Cook and I were in the same section. Trainer and pupil against each other. (Ok this was only the 2nd ever event for Tina's horse but you know you take what you can get)!!

Hector after having a bit of a shocker at Borde Hill, decided that BE100 was much more to his liking. Tina turned up and parked just behind us and we were all kicking ourselves that we hadn't shared the journey and gone together, neither of us thought to check our times! Tina decided to put Mum "in charge of her", Mum told her she had to stay on as it was too hot to go scooping people up off the floor!

Hector was up first for dressage, instead of being tense and very excitable, he was Mr Chilled and very laid back! It was a much better test, although he was a bit behind my leg but I feel we are getting there bit by bit. Then it was Tina's turn. She said when she came out that she "stayed in the arena and the dressage judge laughed!" I think she was exaggerating as her score was only just behind ours!

After a bit of a chin wag and we did spend most of the afternoon talking, we decided to head together to the show jumping. Catherine did the warm up jumps for us and somehow Tina got in before me! Her horse did a fantastic round, just rolled one pole, but one of the funniest moments of the day was afterwards seeing Mum's face when Tina asked her opinion of her round! Mum as you can imagine rose to the challenge and gave Tina the benefit of her vast experience!

Then at long last it was my turn (I know my place). Hector was really good, he jumped really well and rolled the same pole as Tina's horse - I don't think they put it back properly!

Quick change and on to the cross country which we timed just right as there was only one in front. We decided Tina was going to go first, what we really wanted to do was for me to catch her up and for us both to go over the last together, we wouldn't have been allowed to do that of course but it would have made a great picture. Anyways we both went clear and Mum did not need to scoop either of us up off the floor!

What a great day, we had such a lot of fun. Thank you Catherine Lockyear for all your help. I was very proud of Hector, his first BE 100 and he really did step up to the plate. He has a lot more speed in him but we are just concentrating on clear xc rounds first and best of all Tina was so pleased with Hector's progress.